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Grade 10 DVD Only

If you already have textbooks for Grade 10 courses, the DVD only option gives you access to the DVD lessons without sending you additional textbooks. See below for the availability date of new video course(s) in the kit.

BJU Press
DVD Video Course
Grade Level
BJU Press

If you already have textbooks for Grade 10 courses, the DVD only option gives you access to the DVD lessons without sending you additional textbooks. Please select Yes under Step 2 to order video courses with textbooks.

This Grade 10 kit includes the following courses:

  • World History DVD Only, 5th ed.
  • English 10 DVD Only
  • Geometry DVD Only, 4th ed.
  • Biology DVD Only, 6th ed. - This new course will be available May 1, 2025.

Your purchase also includes:

  • eTextbooks (available when you log in to
  • Access to for video lesson streaming (you will receive an email prompting you to set up your account)
  • Digital teacher editions through your parent account.
  • Student Handout Packets that include all required teacher support materials and answer keys.

Grade 10 Scheduling Information: 180 days of work in each Grade 10 course.
Average daily video time: 1 hour 15 minutes.