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Math 3 Online Only, 3rd ed.

If you already have textbooks for Math 3 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

BJU Press
3rd ed.
Online Video Course
Grade Level
BJU Press

If you already have textbooks for Math 3 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks. Please select Yes under Step 2 to see the full course description.

Teacher Information: Mrs. Overly teaches this course. Read more about her by clicking on the Instructor tab.

What’s Included: This kit does not include textbooks. Click on the Contents tab to learn more about what is included with this product.

Scheduling Information: 180 Days (166 lesson days + tests days/work days); lessons are 30 minutes in length.