A Royal Destiny: The Reign of Man in God's Kingdom
Thurman Wisdom provides a thoroughly integrated biblical theology in A Royal Destiny. Weaving Christ, redemption, and the kingdom of God into a unifying theme, Wisdom follows the biblical drama from Genesis to Revelation. He traces the theme through the Old and New Testaments and illustrates from Abraham’s life how God prepares His servants for kingdom rule.
Copyright Year
396 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Thurman Wisdom provides a thoroughly integrated biblical theology in A Royal Destiny. Weaving Christ, redemption, and the kingdom of God into a unifying theme, Wisdom follows the biblical drama from Genesis to Revelation. He traces the theme through the Old and New Testaments and illustrates from Abraham’s life how God prepares His servants for kingdom rule. He closes with God’s final destruction of human rebellion at Armageddon. Along the way, he discusses hermeneutics, progressive revelation, and end-time prophetic events. With a rich writing style, Wisdom helps pastors, teachers, and Bible students understand and proclaim the message of “the whole counsel of God.” Wisdom is Dean Emeritus of Bob Jones University’s School of Religion. A Bob Jones University Seminary Publication.
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