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127 products

Results for 10th Grade

    • Geometry Activities, 5th ed.

      Geometry Activities, 5th ed.


      Geometry Activities features STEM projects, proofs, and interactive activities to help students better understand and appreciate geometry math concepts.

    • Geometry Assessments, 5th ed.

      Geometry Assessments, 5th ed.


      Assessments in Geometry include chapter tests, quarterly exams, and quizzes for each chapter, for thorough evaluation of students' understanding of geometry.

    • Geometry Activities Answer Key, 5th ed.

      Geometry Activities Answer Key, 5th ed.


      Geometry Activities Answer Key provides step-by-step solutions to all Geometry Activities.

    • Geometry Assessments Answer Key, 5th ed.

      Geometry Assessments Answer Key, 5th ed.


      Geometry Assessments Answer Key offers step-by-step solutions, objectives, and difficulty levels for each question to assess student understanding of geometry.

    • Geometry Teacher Edition, 5th ed.

      Geometry Teacher Edition, 5th ed.


      Geometry Teacher Edition features concise explanations of geometry problems, teaching strategies for geometry, STEM projects, and individual and group projects.

    • Geometry Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.

      Geometry Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.


      Geometry (4th Edition) introduces students to a balanced study of geometric theorems and real-life applications. Students will study formal definitions, reasoning, congruence, similarity, constructions, two- and three-dimensional figures, coordinate geometry, transformations, and trigonometry.

    • Geometry Student Text, 4th ed.

      Geometry Student Text, 4th ed.


      Geometry Student Text (4th ed.) contains lessons that thoroughly develop key concepts, provide detailed examples to promote student comprehension, and integrate practical applications. Expanded exercise sets are graded by three levels of difficulty to allow for differentiated assignments.

    • Geometry VS eTextbook, 4th ed.

      Geometry VS eTextbook, 4th ed.


      Geometry Student Text (4th ed.) contains lessons that thoroughly develop key concepts, provide detailed examples to promote student comprehension, and integrate practical applications. Expanded exercise sets are graded by three levels of difficulty to allow for differentiated assignments.

    • Geometry VS eTextbook & Print, 4th ed.

      Geometry VS eTextbook & Print, 4th ed.


      Geometry Student Text (4th ed.) contains lessons that thoroughly develop key concepts, provide detailed examples to promote student comprehension, and integrate practical applications. Expanded exercise sets are graded by three levels of difficulty to allow for differentiated assignments.

    • Geometry Tests, 4th ed.

      Geometry Tests, 4th ed.


      Geometry Tests (4th ed.) includes quizzes covering several sections, chapter tests, and quarterly exams that are carefully coordinated with lesson objectives.

    • Geometry Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.

      Geometry Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.


      Geometry Teacher’s Edition (4th ed.; 2 volumes) contains additional exercises, common student errors, math-journaling suggestions, and one-on-one suggestions. Suggested assignments for Minimum, Standard, and Extended tracks enable customization of lessons for individual differences.

    • Geometry Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Geometry Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.


      Geometry Tests Answer Key (4th ed.) contains answers and step-by-step solutions for quizzes, tests, and quarterly exams.

    • Geometry VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.

      Geometry VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.


      Geometry (3rd ed.) is a traditional geometry text, requiring the students to prove theorems. Different colors and shading are used to distinguish among postulates, definitions, theorems, and constructions.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Subject Textbook Kit, 5th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Subject Textbook Kit, 5th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 course functions as the Year of the Essay, focusing on grammar skills and strategies in writing, speaking, and listening so students can write compelling essays grounded in a biblical worldview. They will be able to apply effective writing, revising, and critical-thinking strategies in interactive workshops; create informative, persuasive, and narrative texts; craft engaging presentations, and apply a biblical view of identity, logic, integrity, and judgment.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Worktext, 5th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Worktext, 5th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Worktext offers a review of parts of speech, verbals, and sentence structure along with instruction in writing skills through varied projects. These projects include writing informative essays, narrative eyewitness reports, and internet and satirical articles. This course also builds on the study skills taught in Writing & Grammar 9.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments, 5th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments, 5th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments packet contains 7 unit tests, a final exam, and preassessments and concept reinforcements.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher Edition, 5th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher Edition, 5th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher Edition (5th edition) enables teachers to nurture student application of grammar skills and writing strategies for effective communication grounded in a biblical worldview.The teacher edition offers numerous resources for this mission including mentor texts, biblical worldview discussions, grammar and writing skill applications, genre writing, student presentation and collaboration, and more.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments Answer Key, 5th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments Answer Key, 5th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Assessments Answer Key provides the answers to student assessments.

    • English 10 Online with Books

      English 10 Online with Books


      Through engaging lessons, Writing & Grammar 10 continues to help develop your child’s grammar skills, emphasizing parts of speech, sentence patterns, phrases, clauses, and correct usage of verbs, pronouns, and modifiers. It also helps guide your child in creating a portfolio of personal writing assignments.

    • English 10 DVD with Books

      English 10 DVD with Books


      Help develop your teenager’s communication skills with the Writing & Grammar 10 video course from BJU Press. Through engaging lessons, Writing & Grammar 10 continues to help develop your child’s grammar skills, emphasizing parts of speech, sentence patterns, phrases, clauses, and correct usage of verbs, pronouns, and modifiers. It also helps guide your child in creating a portfolio of personal writing assignments.

    • English 10 Online Only

      English 10 Online Only


      If you already have textbooks for Writing & Grammar 10 (4th edition) and Elements of Literature (2nd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

    • English 10 DVD Only

      English 10 DVD Only


      If you already have textbooks for Elements of Literature (2nd ed.) and Writing & Grammar 10 (4th ed.) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.


      Teach your child how to communicate in a God-honoring way with the Writing & Grammar 10 educational materials from BJU Press. Writing & Grammar 10 teaches grammatical and usage principles while providing many opportunities for students to apply what they are learning to communication. Most chapters feature a writing assignment with an accompanying model that teachers and students can reference throughout the writing process.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Student Worktext, 4th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Student Worktext, 4th ed.


      Writing and Grammar 10 Student Worktext, 4th ed., provides systematic grammar and usage instruction with ample practice activities for students. Most chapters feature a writing assignment with an accompanying model that teachers and students can reference throughout the writing process.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Tests, 4th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Tests, 4th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Tests, 4th ed., help assess student understanding of the content presented in the lessons. Each test contains a variety of question types.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.


      In the Writing & Grammar 10 Teacher’s Edition, 4th ed., teachers will encounter reduced student-worktext pages with overprint answers, a Lesson Plan Overview to help with scheduling, detailed lesson plans with a variety of teaching strategies.

    • Writing & Grammar 10 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Writing & Grammar 10 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.


      The Writing & Grammar 10 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed., contains a copy of each student test with answer overprints for easy grading.

    • Elements of Literature Subject Textbook Kit, 2nd ed.

      Elements of Literature Subject Textbook Kit, 2nd ed.


      Introduce your child to some of history’s best writing with the Elements in Literature educational materials from BJU Press. Elements of Literature teaches students how to analyze literature from a biblical perspective and encourages critical thinking skills through a collection of classic works in many genres and from many cultures and countries. The educational materials emphasizes the literary elements that define lasting artistic literature.

    • Elements of Literature Student Text, 2nd ed.

      Elements of Literature Student Text, 2nd ed.


      Elements of Literature broadens students’ understanding of literature by focusing on advanced literary concepts. Students will learn the method and the importance of literary analysis by studying pieces from several genres and interpreting them in light of biblical truth. One of the major literary pieces studied is Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

    • Elements of Literature VS eTextbook, 2nd ed.

      Elements of Literature VS eTextbook, 2nd ed.
