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272 products

Results for Science

    • Logos Science Lab Kit for Physical Science, 5th ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit for Physical Science, 5th ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Physical Science Lab Manual, The Logos Science Physical Science Addendum and Lab Kit contains information, equipment, and supplies your student needs to fully experience the world of the physical sciences.

    • Physical Science Teacher's Edition Lab Manual, 5th ed.

      Physical Science Teacher's Edition Lab Manual, 5th ed.


      Arranged similarly to the student Textbook TE, the Physical Science Teacher’s Edition Lab Manual, 5th ed., provides all the necessary information for completing each lab activity successfully. Equipment and material lists are provided for each lab as well as detailed, step-by-step instructions.

    • Biology Subject Textbook Kit, 6th ed.

      Biology Subject Textbook Kit, 6th ed.


      The Biology course equips students to ethically engage in biological inquiry and to recognize life’s design, homeostasis, and conservation from a biblical worldview. Students will be able to discuss the process of homeostasis to biological structures at multiple levels, analyze living organisms, evaluate current and historical biological models, and apply a biblical framework to ethical issues in the realm of biology.

    • Biology Student Edition, 6th ed.

      Biology Student Edition, 6th ed.


      The Biology Student Edition covers all critical biology topics thoroughly with consistent reviews throughout the textbook. Worldview investigation webquests and ethics features will help students connect worldview issues with scientific practices. The ethics features in particular will develop students’ understanding of complex and controversial issues in biology from a biblical perspective.

    • Biology Student Edition VS eTextbook, 6th ed.

      Biology Student Edition VS eTextbook, 6th ed.


      The Biology eBook is a digital version of the printed student edition.

    • Biology Student Edition VS eTextbook & Print, 6th ed.

      Biology Student Edition VS eTextbook & Print, 6th ed.


      The Biology eBook set includes both a digital and a printed version of the student edition.

    • Biology Lab Manual, 6th ed.

      Biology Lab Manual, 6th ed.


      The Biology Student Lab Manual contains more than enough lab activities to meet state lab class requirements. These activities include both inquiry and STEM lab activities.

    • Biology Assessments, 6th ed.

      Biology Assessments, 6th ed.


      The Biology Assessments packet contains one designated test for each chapter along with a designated quiz for each chapter section.

    • Logos Science Lab Kit for Biology, 6th ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit for Biology, 6th ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Biology Lab Manual, The Logos Science Biology Addendum and Lab Kit contains information, equipment, and supplies your student needs to fully experience the world of biology.

    • Logos Science Lab Kit Refill for Biology 6th ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit Refill for Biology 6th ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Biology Lab Manual, The Logos Science Biology Addendum and Lab Kit contains information, equipment, and supplies your student needs to fully experience the world of biology.

    • Biology Teacher Edition, 6th ed.

      Biology Teacher Edition, 6th ed.


      The Biology Teacher Edition includes multiple methods for teaching new concepts, metrics for your student’s grasp of ethics and worldview, objectives for student labs, and more.

    • Biology Lab Manual Teacher Edition, 6th ed.

      Biology Lab Manual Teacher Edition, 6th ed.


      The Biology Teacher Lab Manual enables teachers to facilitate, assess, and grade the inquiry and STEM activities in the lab manual.

    • Biology Assessments Answer Key, 6th ed.

      Biology Assessments Answer Key, 6th ed.


      The Biology Assessments Key contains the answers to the materials located in the Assessments packet.

    • Biology Student Text, 5th ed.

      Biology Student Text, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Student Text takes the student on a quest to understand God’s living world, from the microscopic world of the cells to the macroscopic world of plants, animals, and the human body. Clear scientific images help them picture the cell’s workings, and galleries of photos in every chapter give them a sense of the classification of life.

    • Biology VS eTextbook, 5th ed.

      Biology VS eTextbook, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Student Text takes the student on a quest to understand God’s living world, from the microscopic world of the cells to the macroscopic world of plants, animals, and the human body. Clear scientific images help them picture the cell’s workings, and galleries of photos in every chapter give them a sense of the classification of life.

    • Biology VS eTextbook & Print, 5th ed.

      Biology VS eTextbook & Print, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Student Text takes the student on a quest to understand God’s living world, from the microscopic world of the cells to the macroscopic world of plants, animals, and the human body. Clear scientific images help them picture the cell’s workings, and galleries of photos in every chapter give them a sense of the classification of life.

    • Biology Student Lab Manual, 5th ed.

      Biology Student Lab Manual, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Lab Manual encourages students to explore God’s world both in the lab and in the field. This fresh lab manual helps students learn about life not just through dissections but also through observing, recording, and analyzing samples and data from the living world to make models, predictions, and graphs. * Note, for a complete educational experience, additional laboratory purchases may be required. For your convenience, we provide complete lab kits through Logos Science.

    • Biology Tests, 5th ed.

      Biology Tests, 5th ed.


      Printed tests assess students’ knowledge and understanding of key concepts in Biology (5th ed.). Each chapter test gives many opportunities for students to infer information from images. Assessments vary from matching, multiple choice, and true-false questions to labeling diagrams and reading graphs.* Note, for a complete educational experience, additional laboratory purchases may be required. For your convenience, we provide complete lab kits through Logos Science.

    • Logos Science Lab Kit for Biology, 5th ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit for Biology, 5th ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Biology Lab Manual, The Logos Science Biology Addendum and Lab Kit contains information, equipment, and supplies your student needs to fully experience the world of biology.

    • Logos Science Lab Kit Refill for Biology, 5th ed.

      Logos Science Lab Kit Refill for Biology, 5th ed.


      Used in conjunction with the BJU Press Biology (5th Edition) Lab Manual, the Logos Science Biology Addendum and Lab Kit Refill contains necessary consumable equipment and supplies from the Logos Science Biology Addendum and Lab Kit.Includes: Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.

    • Biology Teacher's Edition, 5th ed.

      Biology Teacher's Edition, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Teacher’s Edition supports teachers in implementing effective teaching practices for a sound framework in biology. It features a suggested teaching schedule, icon-coded items like web links and demonstrations, complete answers to hundreds of review questions, and lots of information to provide a thorough background to the textbook material.

    • Biology Lab Manual Teacher's Edition, 5th ed.

      Biology Lab Manual Teacher's Edition, 5th ed.


      The Biology (5th ed.) Lab Manual encourages students to explore God’s world both in the lab and in the field. This fresh lab manual helps students learn about life not just through dissections but also through observing, recording, and analyzing samples and data from the living world to make models, predictions, and graphs.* Note, for a complete educational experience, additional laboratory purchases may be required. For your convenience, we provide complete lab kits through Logos Science.

    • Biology Online with Books, 4th ed.

      Biology Online with Books, 4th ed.


      The goal of biology is to teach scientific content and method and the biblical principles necessary to interpret and apply this knowledge in a God-honoring way. Students will learn cell biology, genetics, the history of life, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, ecology, and human anatomy and physiology. Current issues such as abortion, stem cell research, biotechnology, euthanasia, environmentalism, genetic engineering, AIDS, and cancer will also be discussed.

    • Biology DVD with Books, 4th ed.

      Biology DVD with Books, 4th ed.


      The goal of biology is to teach scientific content and method and the biblical principles necessary to interpret and apply this knowledge in a God-honoring way. Students will learn cell biology, genetics, the history of life, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, ecology, and human anatomy and physiology. Current issues such as abortion, stem cell research, biotechnology, euthanasia, environmentalism, genetic engineering, AIDS, and cancer will also be discussed.

    • Biology Online Only, 4th ed.

      Biology Online Only, 4th ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Biology (4th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Biology DVD Only, 4th ed.

      Biology DVD Only, 4th ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Biology (4th ed.) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Biology Subject Textbook Kit (4th ed.)

      Biology Subject Textbook Kit (4th ed.)


    • Biology Student Text, 4th ed.

      Biology Student Text, 4th ed.


      * Note, for a complete educational experience, additional laboratory purchases may be required. For your convenience, we provide complete lab kits through Logos Science.In the Biology Student Text, students will see God's power and glory in creation as they learn about cellular biology, genetics, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human anatomy.

    • Biology VS eTextbook, 4th ed.

      Biology VS eTextbook, 4th ed.


      Biology Student Text (4th ed.) has been completely redesigned from front to back, filled with new and colorful photographs and illustrations. Special Facets of Biology articles provide in depth and practical information on topics covered in each chapter.

    • Biology VS eTextbook & Print, 4th ed.

      Biology VS eTextbook & Print, 4th ed.


      Biology Student Text (3rd ed.) has been completely redesigned from front to back, filled with new and colorful photographs and illustrations. Special Facets of Biology articles provide in depth and practical information on topics covered in each chapter.