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Lest You Fall: Meditations to Fight Moral Impurity

Lest You Fall by Christian counselor Rand Hummel offers help for anyone tempted by or already addicted to pornography. Failure in areas of immorality has almost become epidemic. With sexual temptations attacking God’s people from every side, we must be aggressive in our fight for personal purity.

Rand Hummel
140 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Lest You Fall by Christian counselor Rand Hummel offers help for anyone tempted by or already addicted to pornography. Failure in areas of immorality has almost become epidemic. With sexual temptations attacking God’s people from every side, we must be aggressive in our fight for personal purity. Rand’s step-by-step instructions and simple Scripture meditations are designed to challenge you to meditate on the words of God through personal Bible study in such a way that your hope for victory over immorality is finally realized. Also available Fear Not! Meditations to Overcome Fear, Worry, and Discouragement and Turn Away Wrath: Meditations to Control Anger and Bitterness.