Ribbing Him Rightly: The Ministry of the Christian Wife
Beneth Peters Jones takes an appreciative look into the blessings and difficulties of married life in Ribbing Him Rightly. Unobtrusive, but essential to his well-being, a man’s ribs provide protection for his vital organs and help him efficiently serve in his God-given capacities. Is it any wonder, then, that God formed Eve out of Adam’s rib? Christian women will love this wry look at what it means to be the other half of God’s crowning creation.
Copyright Year
160 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Beneth Peters Jones takes an appreciative look into the blessings and difficulties of married life in Ribbing Him Rightly. Unobtrusive, but essential to his well-being, a man’s ribs provide protection for his vital organs and help him efficiently serve in his God-given capacities. Is it any wonder, then, that God formed Eve out of Adam’s rib? Christian women will love this wry look at what it means to be the other half of God’s crowning creation. Filled with humorous examples and practical application, Ribbing Him Rightly will give you a tender new perspective on your marriage and your man.