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Steadfast and Stable: The Biblical Foundation of Your Faith

Steadfast and Stable: The Biblical Foundation of Your Faith by Monte Leavell is a seven-session Bible study that explores God’s beautiful, love-based relationship with mankind. Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, but that fellowship was broken by sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He provided the way for us to come into a right relationship with the Father.

Monte Leavell
64 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Steadfast and Stable: The Biblical Foundation of Your Faith by Monte Leavell is a seven-session Bible study that explores God’s beautiful, love-based relationship with mankind. Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, but that fellowship was broken by sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He provided the way for us to come into a right relationship with the Father. As Christians, we are secure in Jesus, the Solid Rock. Leavell discusses such topics as sin, salvation, justification, faith, and forgiveness and examines the many benefits of the Christian’s new relationship with God. Both new and mature Christians will grow in their daily walk through this helpful study.

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