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Turn Away Wrath: Meditations to Control Anger and Bitterness

Turn Away Wrath by Christian counselor Rand Hummel offers help for anyone easily frustrated or who struggles with outburst of anger. With high-stress lifestyles and self-centered thinking, uncontrolled anger has grown to become a worldwide crisis.

Rand Hummel
176 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Turn Away Wrath by Christian counselor Rand Hummel offers help for anyone easily frustrated or who struggles with outburst of anger. With high-stress lifestyles and self-centered thinking, uncontrolled anger has grown to become a worldwide crisis. If you struggle to handle your anger, Rand’s step-by-step instructions and simple Scripture meditations are designed to challenge you to meditate on the words of God through personal Bible study in such a way that your hope for victory over anger is finally realized.

Also available Lest You Fall: Meditations to Fight Moral Impurity and Fear Not! Meditations to Overcome Fear, Worry, and Discouragement.