4 Spring-5 Fall Practice Test Student Only (Intermediate 1)
When ordering Stanford 10 test support materials, please consult our Stanford 10 page to learn about recent changes to Stanford scoring costs and timing. Practice tests are designed to briefly acquaint students with the kinds of questions (not content) found in the Stanford or Iowa tests. Students practice by answering an average of 2–4 questions in each subject area using actual test format; however, the difficulty level of the test is not represented.
When ordering Stanford 10 test support materials, please consult our Stanford 10 page to learn about recent changes to Stanford scoring costs and timing.
Practice tests are designed to briefly acquaint students with the kinds of questions (not content) found in the Stanford or Iowa tests. Students practice by answering an average of 2–4 questions in each subject area using actual test format; however, the difficulty level of the test is not represented. Practice tests are test specific; this particular item is intended to prepare students who are taking an Intermediate 1 Stanford test.
Please note that this product does not include a copy of the directions. The directions are included in the practice test set and are essential for the administration of the Intermediate 1 Stanford practice test.
Due to the nature of our contract with the publisher, this product is available only to students not enrolled in publicly funded schools (including charter schools).