165 products
Results for 2nd Grade
Grade 2 Online with Books
SKU464859$1,099.00This kit includes all essential student editions, worktexts, and handouts for each Grade course as well as access to homeschoolhub.com for video lesson streaming. See below for the availability date of new video course(s) in the kit.
Grade 2 DVD with Books
SKU464875$1,159.00This kit includes all essential student editions, worktexts, handouts, and a parent guide for each Grade 2 course as well as DVDs containing the video lesson content. See below for the availability date of new video course(s) in the kit.
Grade 2 Online Only
SKU464867$929.00If you already have textbooks for Grade 2 courses, the online only option gives you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks. See below for the availability date of new video course(s) in the kit.
Grade 2 DVD Only
SKU464883$989.00If you already have textbooks for Grade 2 courses, the DVD only option gives you access to the DVD lessons without sending you additional textbooks. See below for the availability date of new video course(s) in the kit.
Grade 2 Complete Grade Textbook Kit
SKU556019$988.15This complete grade kit contains all the essential student and teacher materials for Grade 2.
Grade 2 Student Full Grade Textbook Kit
SKU556001$521.50If you already have the necessary teacher materials for Grade 2, this student kit provides all the essential student materials.
Bible 2 Subject Textbook Kit, 1st ed.
SKU540583$114.50Enable your child to learn important Bible doctrines from biblical narratives. Bible 2: Truths for Life will refine your child’s ability to internalize biblical truth and apply specific truths to real-life situations. This course will look at biblical covenants, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and the end times.
Bible 2: Truths for Life Student Worktext, 1st ed.
SKU527192$34.44The Bible 2: Truths for Life Worktext (1st edition) introduces students to 52 new Bible Truths and reviews the 42 truths introduced in 1st grade. The worktext enables students to explore biblical narratives and connect those narratives with foundational Bible doctrines. Students will enjoy review activities, games, role-playing, and Bible Truth songs to help them develop 21st century skills.
Bible 2: Truths for Life Assessments, 1st ed.
SKU527218$19.66The Bible 2: Truths for Life Assessments (1st edition) includes 8 tests to help evaluate the student’s comprehension, understanding, and application of the presented Bible Truths.
Bible 2: Truths for Life Teacher Edition, 1st ed.
SKU527200$84.44The Bible 2: Truths for Life Teacher Edition (1st edition) guides teachers as they help students analyze biblical narratives and relate them to foundational Bible doctrines. Teachers will use object lessons to help students connect Bible truths to real-life situations. Instructional sections help students identify the main idea of a Scripture passage.
Bible 2: Truths for Life Assessments Answer Key, 1st ed.
SKU527226$14.17Bible 2: Truths for Life Assessments Answer Key (1st edition) provides answers to the tests in the Bible 2: Truths for Life 2 Assessments.
Bible Truths 2 Student Worktext, 4th ed.
SKU508788$34.44The Bible Truths 2 Student Worktext is a colorful hands-on opportunity for students to solidify comprehension and understanding of Bible truths and application. It also provides opportunities to read maps, utilize logic, and make paper crafts to extend understanding of the concepts.
Bible Truths 2 Tests, 4th ed.
SKU265215$19.66The Bible Truths 2 Tests will help the student and teacher understand the student’s grasp on the comprehension, understanding, and application of the Bible truths presented.
Bible Truths 2 Music CD, 4th ed.
SKU265249$25.28The Bible Truths 2 Music CD records the ten unit hymns. These hymns are accompanied by music and sung by children. Note: This CD can be used with the 3rd or 4th edition.
Bible Truths 2 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.
SKU265207$84.44The Bible Truths 2 Teacher’s Edition, 4th ed., guides teachers as they help students understand God’s truth for practical living. Included are scripturally supported overviews of key biblical doctrines, a daily lesson plan, unit memory verse and hymn, supplemental read-aloud stories, unit review activity sheets, reproducible learning activity pages, instructions for one-on-one and group learning activities and a glossary of biblical terms.
Bible Truths 2 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.
SKU265223$14.17The Bible Truths 2 Test Answer Key, 4th ed., provides answers to the tests in the Bible Truths 2 Tests, 4th ed.
Bible Truths 2 Online with Books, 3rd ed.
SKU462358$119.00A Servant's Heart encourages students to live the Bible as well as know the Bible through a chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Lessons include Bible study skills, character traits and hymn histories. Dramatic segments present heroes of the faith, while application stories show students their need of Christ as Savior, and demonstrates ways to apply biblical principles to personal life situations.
Bible Truths 2 DVD with Books, 3rd ed.
SKU450171$139.00A Servant's Heart encourages students to live the Bible as well as know the Bible through a chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Lessons include Bible study skills, character traits and hymn histories. Dramatic segments present heroes of the faith, while application stories show students their need of Christ as Savior, and demonstrates ways to apply biblical principles to personal life situations.
Bible Truths 2 Online Only, 3rd ed.
SKU449306$99.00A Servant's Heart encourages students to live the Bible as well as know the Bible through a chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Lessons include Bible study skills, character traits and hymn histories. Dramatic segments present heroes of the faith, while application stories show students their need of Christ as Savior, and demonstrates ways to apply biblical principles to personal life situations.
Bible Truths 2 DVD Only
SKU451401$119.00A Servant's Heart encourages students to live the Bible as well as know the Bible through a chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Lessons include Bible study skills, character traits and hymn histories. Dramatic segments present heroes of the faith, while application stories show students their need of Christ as Savior, and demonstrates ways to apply biblical principles to personal life situations.
Bible Truths 2 Subject Textbook Kit, 3rd ed.
SKU236281$130.35Bible Truths 2: A Servant's Heart (3rd ed.) presents a chronological study of the Old and New Testaments and encourages the student to live as well as know the Bible. Lessons feature Bible study skills, character traits, and hymn histories. Dramatic segments presents heroes of the faith, while application stories show the student his need of Christ as Savior and demonstrates ways to apply biblical principles to personal life situations.
Bible Truths 2 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.
SKU113506$34.44Help your elementary students see the Bible’s practical relevance for life with the Bible Truths 2: A Servant’s Heart Worktext. As they progress thematically through the Old and New Testaments, elementary students will enjoy the colorful illustrations, straightforward lessons, and learning projects that will help them grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
Bible Truths 2 Tests, 3rd ed.
SKU113597$19.66This test packet includes suggestions for grading the tests as well as assigning grades to the subject of Bible. There is a test for each unit, which includes matching, multiple choice, and true/false items.
Bible Truths 2 Student Materials Packet, 3rd ed.
SKU113589$21.11The Student Materials Packet contains bookmarks to be used to help locate memory verses. It also includes a time line for students to attach pictures of Bible characters and heroes of the Faith.
A Question of Yams
SKU057885$8.99Gloria Repp’s A Question of Yams is a Christian fiction missionary story based on true events. The people of Kuri’s village have always prayed to the spirits when they plant their yams. Now Kuri’s father prays to the God of the Bible, and the crops begin to grow.
Pelts and Promises
SKU102731$8.99Pelts and Promises by Nancy Lohr is historical fiction for young readers set in 1903. When a schoolroom prank goes all wrong, Willie B. and Jamie land into big trouble.
Bible Truths 2 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.
SKU113563$84.44The Bible Truths 2: A Servant’s Heart Teacher’s Edition provides comprehensive guidance for teaching the Bible Truths 2 educational materials. Teachers help students develop a Christian worldview through the practical application of Bible lessons.
Bible Truths 2 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU113605$14.17Answer key for Bible Truths 2 Tests for ease of grading.
Science 2 Online with Books, 5th ed.
SKU462408$359.00Science 2 will expand and deepen your child’s understanding of matter and motion, earth and space, and living things. Your student will use science inquiry skills, complete STEM activities, and get hands-on experience testing and applying scientific knowledge. Daily lessons will include introductions to new concepts and vocabulary, demonstrations, hands-on activities, and special video segments.
Science 2 DVD with Books, 5th ed.
SKU454553$379.00Science 2 will expand and deepen your child’s understanding of matter and motion, earth and space, and living things. This course is a 90-day (one-semester) course and is intended to be combined with Heritage Studies 2. A combined Heritage Studies 2 and Science 2 course option is available with a two-for-one special.