Daniel Colton Under Fire
Daniel Colton Under Fire by Elaine Schulte is historical fiction set in 1848 when twelve-year-old Daniel discovers that travel on the Oregon Trail is difficult. Nothing is predictable: not the animals, not the weather, and least of all his fellow travelers! In this Christian fiction book, life-threatening danger puts Daniel’s faith to the test. This is the second book in the Colton Cousins Adventure series.
Copyright Year
144 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Daniel Colton Under Fire by Elaine Schulte is historical fiction set in 1848 when twelve-year-old Daniel discovers that travel on the Oregon Trail is difficult. Nothing is predictable: not the animals, not the weather, and least of all his fellow travelers! In this Christian fiction book, life-threatening danger puts Daniel’s faith to the test. This is the second book in the Colton Cousins Adventure series.
Get the whole set: Suzannah and the Secret Coins, Suzannah Strikes Gold, and Daniel Colton Kidnapped.