Math K5 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.
Start building a strong foundation for math success with Math K5 from BJU Press. Math K5 teaches math interactively through the use of manipulatives to help students understand math concepts.
Copyright Year
4th ed.
Textbook Subject Kit
Grade Level
BJU Press
Start building a strong foundation for math success with Math K5 from BJU Press. Math K5 teaches math interactively through the use of manipulatives to help students understand math concepts. Your child will also no longer dread math class—characters such as Farmer Brown, Mrs. Brown, and Cheddar help make learning fun. Lessons on number sense, addition, subtraction, measurement, time and calendar, geometry, and other skills are included. The program also provides many opportunities for review--chapter reviews and cumulative reviews are included as well as a section entitled “Math in the Home” that suggests ways that parents can make practical applications of math concepts. The Math K5 Subject Kit contains all the items necessary to successfully teach Math K5—3 items total.