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56 products

Results for K5

    • K5 Online with Books

      K5 Online with Books


      K5 teaches kindergarteners to apply their natural curiosity and start to develop a broad base of interests and gives them the basic tools they need to explore the world around them. Mrs. Rebekah Rulapaugh invites students to get excited about learning as she lays a foundation to prepare students for first grade.

    • K5 DVD with Books

      K5 DVD with Books


      K5 teaches kindergarteners to apply their natural curiosity and start to develop a broad base of interests and gives them the basic tools they need to explore the world around them. Mrs. Rebekah Rulapaugh invites students to get excited about learning as she lays a foundation to prepare students for first grade.

    • K5 Online Only

      K5 Online Only


      K5 teaches kindergarteners to apply their natural curiosity and start to develop a broad base of interests and gives them the basic tools they need to explore the world around them.

    • K5 DVD Only

      K5 DVD Only


      K5 teaches kindergarteners to apply their natural curiosity and start to develop a broad base of interests and gives them the basic tools they need to explore the world around them.

    • K5 Complete Grade Textbook Kit

      K5 Complete Grade Textbook Kit


      Focus on Fives starts children on a path for developing learning the skills they will need for first grade. Students receive basic age-appropriate introductions to science, social studies, handwriting, phonics, and reading. Fun and exciting learning activities help young students build a foundation in phonemic awareness, reading strategies, listening, and speaking.

    • K5 Student Full Grade Textbook Kit

      K5 Student Full Grade Textbook Kit


      Focus on Fives starts children on a path for developing learning the skills they will need for first grade. Students receive basic age-appropriate introductions to science, social studies, handwriting, phonics, and reading. Fun and exciting learning activities help young students build a foundation in phonemic awareness, reading strategies, listening, and speaking.

    • Bible K5 Subject Textbook Kit, 1st ed.

      Bible K5 Subject Textbook Kit, 1st ed.


      Give your child a solid and dependable biblical foundation. K5 Bible: Exploring God’s Word introduces young students to the big story of God’s Word and the part that they play in it. This course will also introduce students to important biblical characters and show the impact of those characters’choices.

    • Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Student Worktext, 1st ed.

      Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Student Worktext, 1st ed.


      The K5 Bible: Exploring God’s Word Student Worktext (1st edition) includes age-appropriate activities such as dot-to-dots, sequencing, matching, color by number, coloring pages, mazes, and tracing, which help the students review the Bible stories from the lesson. Colorful visual cards with lesson summaries are also included for students to take home and review on a weekly basis.

    • Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Teacher Edition, 1st ed.

      Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Teacher Edition, 1st ed.


      The K5 Bible: Exploring God’s Word Teacher Edition (1st edition) supports the course’s emphasis on Scripture as one cohesive story and features numerous Bible stories, taught chronologically from Genesis to Revelation, with practical principles for daily living. The course also contains multiple avenues for content delivery including direct instruction, learning centers, modeling, storytelling, and skills practice.

    • Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Homeschool Visuals, 1st ed.

      Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Homeschool Visuals, 1st ed.


      The K5 Bible: Exploring God’s Word Homeschool Visuals (1st edition) include at least one colorful visual for each story, helping children to dive into and develop interest in each story. Information cards, which help explain new concepts to children, help deepen their understanding and engagement in the stories they’re reading. The 123 visuals are 8 ½” by 11” illustration cards with story or information text printed on the back of the card for one-on-one display.

    • Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Visuals, 1st ed.

      Bible K5: Exploring God's Word Visuals, 1st ed.


      The K5 Bible: Exploring God’s Word Visuals (1st edition) include at least one colorful visual for each story. The number of visuals helps students to more fully engage with each story, and added information cards help students to know how to discuss new concepts. The 123 visuals are 18” by 20” illustration cards with story or information text on the back of the cards for classroom use.

    • Bible Truths K5 Online with Books

      Bible Truths K5 Online with Books


      K5 Bible Truths begins with lessons that emphasize the importance of God’s Word and Creation, followed with a series of lessons that focus on Bible characters ranging from Abraham to the apostle Paul. Character stories and discussions are designed to help children understand who God is and the importance of living His way.

    • Bible Truths K5 DVD with Books, 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 DVD with Books, 2nd ed.


      K5 Bible Truths begins with lessons that emphasize the importance of God’s Word and Creation, followed with a series of lessons that focus on Bible characters ranging from Abraham to the apostle Paul. Character stories and discussions are designed to help children understand who God is and the importance of living His way.

    • Bible Truths K5 Online Only

      Bible Truths K5 Online Only


      K5 Bible Truths begins with lessons that emphasize the importance of God’s Word and Creation, followed with a series of lessons that focus on Bible characters ranging from Abraham to the apostle Paul. Character stories and discussions are designed to help children understand who God is and the importance of living His way.

    • Bible Truths K5 DVD Only

      Bible Truths K5 DVD Only


      Lessons from Bible Truths K5 emphasize the importance of God’s Word and Creation, and chronologically focus on Bible people ranging from Abraham to the apostle Paul, including the life of Christ. Character stories, activities, and discussions are designed to help children understand who God is and why it's important to live His way.

    • Bible Truths K5 Subject Textbook Kit

      Bible Truths K5 Subject Textbook Kit


      Teach your kindergartener to live the Bible as well as know the Bible with the K5 Bible Truths educational materials from BJU Press. Bible class provides a unique opportunity to focus on teaching your child about God and His Word. Bible Truths K5 teaches children that the Bible is God’s Word and that they need a personal Savior.

    • Bible Truths K5 CD, 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 CD, 2nd ed.


      This CD includes all the songs and hymns in the lessons sung by children with instrumental accompaniment. Accompaniment may be used without voices by adjusting the balance control.

    • Bible Truths K5 Student Packet, 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 Student Packet, 2nd ed.


      The K5 Bible Truths Student Packet contains a variety of activity pages designed to reinforce the Bible lessons and review memory verses. Cutouts for cutting and gluing activities are located at the back of the book. Other activities include completing dot-to-dot pictures and making picture books. Four student booklets are included for teaching about Samuel, Creation, Thanksgiving, and the person of God. Memory verse reminders are also included.

    • Bible Truths K5 Teacher's Edition, 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 Teacher's Edition, 2nd ed.


      The Bible Truths K5 Teacher's Edition contains 160 daily lessons that are organized into fifteen units. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter units are included and should be taught at the appropriate times of the year. An appendix of songs, a poetry index, and reproducibles are also included.

    • Bible Truths K5 Days of Creation Visuals, 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 Days of Creation Visuals, 2nd ed.


      Reproduction (18” x 20”) of original paintings to depict the days of Creation.

    • Bible Truths K5 Teacher's Picture Packet (Updated), 2nd ed.

      Bible Truths K5 Teacher's Picture Packet (Updated), 2nd ed.


      The Teacher's Picture Packet contains 30 colorful 18” x 20” pictures to correlate with the lessons.

    • K5 Math Subject Textbook Kit, 5th ed.

      K5 Math Subject Textbook Kit, 5th ed.


      Math K5 teaches your student to improve their number skills by tackling real-life problems, working with money, learning about dates and time, solving addition and subtraction problems, and learning about fractions.

    • K5 Math Worktext, 5th ed.

      K5 Math Worktext, 5th ed.


      The BJU Press K5 Math Student Worktext includes practice problems, a colorful layout, STEM activities, manipulatives, differentiated instruction, and review questions.

    • K5 Math Manipulatives Packet, 5th ed.

      K5 Math Manipulatives Packet, 5th ed.


      The BJU Press K5 Math Manipulatives include number lines, geometric shapes, money, fractions, and rulers. Manipulatives help students have a deeper understanding of math.

    • K5 Math Homeschool Visuals, 5th ed.

      K5 Math Homeschool Visuals, 5th ed.


      The BJU Press K5 Math homeschool visuals packet includes smaller, handheld versions of the items in the K5 Math Visuals packet.

    • K5 Math Teacher Edition, 5th ed.

      K5 Math Teacher Edition, 5th ed.


      The BJU Press K5 Math Teacher Edition includes math problems, demonstrations, manipulatives, videos, and learning targets in each lesson to help students best learn math.

    • Math K5 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.

      Math K5 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.


      Start building a strong foundation for math success with Math K5 from BJU Press. Math K5 teaches math interactively through the use of manipulatives to help students understand math concepts.

    • Math K5 Student Worktext, 4th ed.

      Math K5 Student Worktext, 4th ed.


      The Math K5 Student Worktext, 4th ed. will help your kindergarten student develop an understanding of numbers and how they are used to represent addition, subtraction, measurement, and more. The program has a farm theme that makes learning fun and incorporates age-appropriate stories, colorful illustrations, and connections to real-world problems.

    • Math K5-Grade 1 Student Manipulative Packet, 4th ed.

      Math K5-Grade 1 Student Manipulative Packet, 4th ed.


      The BJU Press educational materials for math seeks to teach for understanding. One of the best ways to help students understand foundational math concepts is by using manipulatives. The Math K5-1 Student Manipulative Packet contains geometric shapes, fraction pieces, and money to be used in the lessons by the students.

    • Math K5 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.

      Math K5 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.


      The Math K5 Teacher’s Edition, 4th ed. provides instruction for the use of manipulatives to introduce each new math concept for a hands-on approach to learning. Through practice and interactive questioning by the teacher, the student gradually progresses to an abstract level in which he uses only numbers.