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Welcome, Culture Proof Listeners

Video Courses and Textbooks for Christian Homeschoolers

BJU Press Homeschool textbooks, video lessons, and digital learning tools give you the tools you need, rooted in the solid biblical foundation you want.


the Addison family

Wil and Meeke Addison

from Culture Proof

Wil and Meeke Addison have been married for twenty years and are raising six children for the glory of God. With over fifteen years of experience in family advocacy and Christian engagement, the Addisons are culture watchers who encourage Christians to live faithfully every day through their roles as podcasters and conference speakers. Their podcast, Culture Proof, is a conversational critique of the postmodern culture in light of firm biblical convictions.

“Don’t be too intimated to teach sound doctrine. Choose solid partners in the education of your kids.”

Homeschooling is a key part of how Wil and Meeke fulfill Christ’s command to “go therefore and make disciples.” Their children, ranging in age from 4 to 17, are at the center of their mission, as the Addisons view their spiritual growth as their primary calling. They emphasize the importance of teaching who God is, how to know Him, and what it means to live in His kingdom.

Through their engaging dialogue on pressing cultural issues, the Addisons aim to equip Christians with practical tools rooted in Scripture. They strive to increase discernment, helping believers resist cultural norms that conflict with their faith.

Recently, they have begun using BJU Press Homeschool for their curriculum. Meeke encourages fellow homeschool parents not to shy away from teaching sound doctrine and to seek solid educational partners. Like the Addisons, parents are not just teaching; they are preparing their children for the future. BJU Press Homeschool offers trustworthy resources that align with your beliefs, whether you prefer independent learning or a parent-led approach. We're here to support you every step of the way!

With a Christian homeschool curriculum as the foundation of your children’s education, you can have confidence they are being equipped to serve Christ well.

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