111 products
Results for 9th Grade
Grade 9 Online with Books
SKU467944$1,099.00This kit includes all essential student editions, worktexts, and handouts for each Grade 9 course as well as access to homeschoolhub.com for video lesson streaming.
Grade 9 DVD with Books
SKU468041$1,159.00This kit includes all essential student editions, worktexts, handouts, and a parent guide for each Grade 9 course as well as DVDs containing the video lesson content.
Grade 9 Online Only
SKU467993$929.00If you already have textbooks for Grade 9 courses, the online only option gives you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.
Grade 9 DVD Only
SKU468082$989.00If you already have textbooks for Grade 9 courses, the DVD only option gives you access to the DVD lessons without sending you additional textbooks.
Grade 9 Complete Grade Textbook Kit
SKU549816$993.00In grade 9, your teen will learn about the seven continents and learn to distinguish different nations and different cultures worldwide with Cultural Geography. In Algebra 1, he or she will write algebraic expressions, describe quantitative relationships, solve real-world problems using linear equations, and understand God’s design as foundational to reasoning, modeling, and ethics in mathematics. Writing & Grammar 9 will not only teach your child about the parts of speech, sentence structures, usage rules, but will also hone your child’s writing skills through a variety of writing projects. Fundamentals of Literature will introduce your child to literary criticism while providing engaging content that encourages a love for reading. Physical Science focuses on introducing your teenager to chemistry and physics and will lay the foundation for future science courses.
Grade 9 Student Full Grade Textbook Kit
SKU549808$530.70In grade 9, your teen will learn about the seven continents and learn to distinguish different nations and different cultures worldwide with Cultural Geography. In Algebra 1, he or she will write algebraic expressions, describe quantitative relationships, solve real-world problems using linear equations, and understand God’s design as foundational to reasoning, modeling, and ethics in mathematics. Writing & Grammar 9 will not only teach your child about the parts of speech, sentence structures, usage rules, but will also hone your child’s writing skills through a variety of writing projects. Fundamentals of Literature will introduce your child to literary criticism while providing engaging content that encourages a love for reading. Physical Science focuses on introducing your teenager to chemistry and physics and will lay the foundation for future science courses.
The Triumph of Christ Subject Textbook Kit, 1st ed.
SKU524728$128.10The Triumph of Christ provides students with a brief commentary on Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. Using grade-appropriate language throughout, the textbook traces the origin and development of the church in Acts, the doctrinal arguments in the Epistles, and the consummation of God’s redemptive plan in Revelation.
The Triumph of Christ Student Edition, 1st ed.
SKU517151$32.50The student edition provides students with a brief commentary on Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. Using grade-appropriate language throughout, the textbook traces the origin and development of the church in Acts, the doctrinal arguments in the Epistles, and the consummation of God’s redemptive plan in Revelation.
The Triumph of Christ VS eTextbook, 1st ed.
SKU517227$16.39This student edition provides students with a brief commentary on Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. Using grade-appropriate language throughout, the textbook traces the origin and development of the church in Acts, the doctrinal arguments in the Epistles, and the consummation of God’s redemptive plan in Revelation.
The Triumph of Christ VS eTextbook & Print, 1st ed.
SKU517235$42.22This student edition provides students with a brief commentary on Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. Using grade-appropriate language throughout, the textbook traces the origin and development of the church in Acts, the doctrinal arguments in the Epistles, and the consummation of God’s redemptive plan in Revelation.
The Triumph of Christ Activities, 1st ed.
SKU517169$26.94With this manual, students will learn application skills based on observation and interpretation as they complete their Scripture reading assignments. A prayer journal guides them to pray scripturally and specifically. They also study the significance of each Scripture memory verse.
The Triumph of Christ Assessments, 1st ed.
SKU517193$21.11The assessments packet includes eight tests, one for each unit. Students will be assessed primarily over the content of the student edition with questions that are aligned with the scaffolded objectives.
The Triumph of Christ Teacher Edition, 1st ed.
SKU517185$52.22This teacher edition departs from the traditional lecture method of Bible classes to engage students with multiple teaching strategies that reinforce what students are learning in the student edition and the activities manual. This approach focuses on Bible interpretation and appropriate application. All the content is clearly aligned with the scaffolded objectives.
The Triumph of Christ Activities Answer Key, 1st ed.
SKU517177$22.78This answer key provides overprint answers for questions in the corresponding student activities manual.
The Triumph of Christ Assessments Answer Key, 1st ed.
SKU517201$15.28This packet provides overprint answers for the corresponding assessments.
Bible Truths Level C VS eTextbook, 4th ed.
SKU513655$17.22The Bible Truths C Student Text, 4th ed., leads students to understand and apply the book of Acts and the early letters of Paul (Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Romans). Each lesson concludes with critical-thinking questions.
Bible 9 Online with Books
SKU448209$119.00Why the Bible Matters explains the Bible's design and function; how the Bible relates to science, history, and literature; and why the Bible is vital in making decisions. Teacher Information: Mr. Farley teaches this course.
Bible 9 DVD with Books
SKU450668$139.00Why the Bible Matters explains the Bible's design and function; how the Bible relates to science, history, and literature; and why the Bible is vital in making decisions. Teacher Information: Mr. Farley teaches this course.
Bible 9 Online Only
SKU449793$99.00Why the Bible Matters explains the Bible's design and function; how the Bible relates to science, history, and literature; and why the Bible is vital in making decisions. Teacher Information: Mr. Farley teaches this course.
Bible 9 DVD Only
SKU451898$119.00Why the Bible Matters explains the Bible's design and function; how the Bible relates to science, history, and literature; and why the Bible is vital in making decisions. Teacher Information: Mr. Farley teaches this course.
Publish Great Things Student Text
SKU290106$15.28You and your students can examine the scriptural teaching on missions and review highlights from the history of missions. This book suggests various ways to become involved in missions through your local church and emphasizes a layperson's involvement in missions work.
That I May Know Him Student Text
SKU270819$15.28That I May Know Him Student Text presents basic Christian living skills by focusing on the example of Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Gospel of Mark. It also analyzes Christ's relationship to various groups duing his earthly ministry.
Why the Bible Matters Student Text
SKU290098$15.28Students will learn the Bible's relevance to every area of life through a fresh approach demonstrating the Bible's relationship to fields such as history, literature, math, and science.
Publish Great Things Teacher's Edition
SKU128710$25.28You and your students can examine the scriptural teaching on missions and review highlights from the history of missions. This book suggests various ways to become involved in missions through your local church and emphasizes a layperson's involvement in missions work. Publish Great Things is part of the Bible Modular Series. These short issue-oriented courses for teenagers and adults can stand alone as a six- to eight-week course or adapt to supplement a full Bible program.
That I May Know Him Teacher's Edition
SKU185470$25.28This module analyzes Christ's relationship to various groups of people in the book of Mark. Each chapter emphasizes basic Christian living skills based on Christ's ministry.
Why the Bible Matters Teacher's Edition
SKU120477$25.28Students will learn the Bible's relevance to every area of life through a fresh approach demonstrating the Bible's relationship to fields such as history, literature, math, and science. Why the Bible Matters is part of the Bible Modular Series. These short issue-oriented courses for teenagers and adults can stand alone as a six- to eight-week course or adapt to supplement a full Bible program.
Physical Science Online with Books, 6th ed.
SKU448258$359.00This course shows students how everything they do relates to chemistry and physics. It meets them where they are in life with real-world examples and applications. Chemistry and physics chapters explore key concepts for future study.
Physical Science 9 DVD with Books, 6th ed.
SKU450718$379.00This course shows students how everything they do relates to chemistry and physics. It meets them where they are in life with real-world examples and applications. Chemistry and physics chapters explore key concepts for future study.
Physical Science Online Only, 6th ed.
SKU449843$329.00If you already have textbooks for Physical Science (6th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.
Physical Science DVD Only, 6th ed.
SKU451948$349.00If you already have textbooks for Physical Science (6th ed.) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.