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256 products

Results for Math

    • Math 5 Assessments, 4th ed.

      Math 5 Assessments, 4th ed.


      The assessments packet includes a two-page test for each chapter. A bank of test questions for customized tests is available through ExamView and Teacher Tools Online.

    • Math 5 Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 4th ed.

      Math 5 Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 4th ed.


      The teacher edition uses manipulatives to develop the students’ knowledge of operations, whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Teaching guides introduce and develop pre-algebra, geometry, measurement, and data skills. Teaching notes incorporate ideas for other strategies and integrating technology, while solutions for lesson problems allow teachers to easily guide students through assignments. The TE Companion will be available to ship by August 2025.

    • Math 5 Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Math 5 Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.


      The assessments answer key includes a copy of the student tests with overprint answers for easy grading.

    • Math 5 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Math 5 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      Math 5 (3rd ed.) uses manipulatives to build on the mathematical foundations of multiplication, division, and place value, and to develop the student’s understanding of geometry, fractions, decimals, ratios, and measurements. Students read and interpret a variety of graphs and charts. The practical use of the Problem-Solving Plan is emphasized as well as mental math computation and the memorization of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.

    • Math 5 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.

      Math 5 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.


      The Math 5 Tests Answer Key (3rd ed.) contains a copy of the student tests with answer overprints for easy grading.

    • Math 6 Online with Books, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Online with Books, 4th ed.


      The Math 6 course smoothly transitions students from elementary school math to middle school math with consistent reviews and realistic practice problems.

    • Math 6 Online Only, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Online Only, 4th ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 6, 4th ed. and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 6 DVD with Books, 4th ed.

      Math 6 DVD with Books, 4th ed.


      The Math 6 course smoothly transitions students from elementary school math to middle school math with consistent reviews and realistic practice problems.

    • Math 6 DVD Only, 4th ed.

      Math 6 DVD Only, 4th ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 6, 4th ed. and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD-only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 6 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.


      The 6th grade math curriculum prepares students for future math learning by first solidifying their understanding of elementary math concepts and then introducing them to key middle school math concepts. Students will learn not only how math principles work but also how to think critically about those principles and construct arguments so they can use the principles in real-world situations.

    • Math 6 Student Edition, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Student Edition, 4th ed.


      The 6th grade math textbook provides practice and direct application for all math concepts students will learn. Students will use what they have learned in lessons from the Math 6 teacher’s edition to think critically about how to use math and how to reason with math. Students will find STEM lessons that follow the engineering design process as well as a variety of engaging illustrations and pictures that help them better understand how to use math to solve real-world problems.

    • Math 6 VS eTextbook, 4th ed.

      Math 6 VS eTextbook, 4th ed.


      The eTextbook for the Math 6 student textbook is a digital version of the Math 6 student edition. The eTextbook may be used to streamline digital learning and provide a backup text for students when a printed edition is not available.

    • Math 6 VS eTextbook & Printed SE, 4th ed.

      Math 6 VS eTextbook & Printed SE, 4th ed.


      The eTextbook for the Math 6 student textbook is a digital version of the Math 6 student edition. The eTextbook may be used to streamline digital learning and provide a backup text for students when a printed edition is not available.

    • Math 6 Assessments, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Assessments, 4th ed.


      The Math 6 test packet provides 6th grade math questions in tests and quizzes for use as summative assessments for the 6th grade math course. Assessment questions align with educational objectives from the Math 6 student textbook.

    • Math 6 Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 4th ed.


      The 6th grade math teacher’s edition is a two-volume set that equips educators with 6th grade math lesson plans, teaching strategies, and a variety of other resources for providing a successful learning environment for students. Lessons are organized clearly and logically to support the educator in teaching students math concepts and to guide them in developing a biblical worldview of math. The TE Companion will be available to ship by August 2025.

    • Math 6 Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Math 6 Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.


      The 6th grade answer key provides overprint answers and selected step-by-step solutions to the math problems from student tests and quizzes. Assessments align with educational objectives from the Math 6 student edition. These Math 6 answer keys correspond with the Math 6 assessments.

    • Math 6 Student Text, 3rd ed.

      Math 6 Student Text, 3rd ed.


      Math 6 Student Text, 3rd ed., will help students through the transition between elementary and secondary math, reviewing previously taught concepts and introducing new ones. A handbook section contains a glossary of terms and definitions along with illustration of math concepts for student reference, and a daily review section provides exercises for the reviewing of previously taught concepts.

    • Math 6 VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.

      Math 6 VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.


      Math 6 seeks to develop solid problem-solving skills, teach methods of estimation, and familiarize the student with the use calculators and computers. The educational materials emphasizes the application of math to real-life situations. In addition, manipulatives are used to assist the student with the math concepts presented.

    • Math 6 VS eTextbook & Print, 3rd ed.

      Math 6 VS eTextbook & Print, 3rd ed.


      This item includes a copy of the printed Student Text as well as a VitalSource eTextbook. Math 6 seeks to develop solid problem-solving skills, teach methods of estimation, and familiarize the student with the use calculators and computers. The educational materials emphasizes the application of math to real-life situations. In addition, manipulatives are used to assist the student with the math concepts presented.

    • Math 6 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Math 6 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      Math 6 Teacher’s Edition 3rd ed., contains teaching notes and reduced pages of the student text with answers. A Student Text Solutions section includes answers that do not fit on the reduced student pages and details the steps used to solve mathematical problems.

    • Fundamentals of Math Subject Textbook Kit

      Fundamentals of Math Subject Textbook Kit


      The 7th grade math curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of math to provide students a balanced course with opportunities for practical, real-life applications. Our 7th grade math subject kit prepares students for high school level courses by providing a thorough review of elementary math and expanding middle school math concepts.

    • Fundamentals of Math Student Edition, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Student Edition, 3rd ed.


      The BJU Press 7th grade math book focuses on the fundamentals of math to help students build the skills necessary for future math courses. In our 7th grade math textbook, students review all the foundational concepts learned in elementary school and deepen their understanding of concepts introduced in middle school. The structure of each exercise set allows for spiral review of previously learned concepts, ensuring students have consistent and ongoing practice with each lesson.

    • Fundamentals of Math VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math VS eTextbook, 3rd ed.


      The eTextbook for the Grade 7 Fundamentals of Math student textbook is a digital version of the Fundamentals of Math student edition. The eTextbook may be used to streamline digital learning and provide a backup text for students when a printed edition is not available.

    • Fundamentals of Math VS eTextbook & Printed SE, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math VS eTextbook & Printed SE, 3rd ed.


      The eTextbook for the Grade 7 Fundamentals of Math student textbook is a digital version of the Fundamentals of Math student edition. The eTextbook may be used to streamline digital learning and provide a backup text for students when a printed edition is not available.

    • Fundamentals of Math Activities, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Activities, 3rd ed.


      The 7th grade math student activity workbook offers students additional practice opportunities for solidifying concepts from lessons in the Fundamentals of Math program. The 7th grade math workbook includes worksheets with word problems and equations to give struggling students additional opportunities to grasp the lesson concepts and to give advanced learners beneficial practice. The workbook also provides detailed instructions and explanations for the STEM projects.

    • Fundamentals of Math Assessments, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Assessments, 3rd ed.


      This assessment packet provides 7th grade math questions, quizzes, and tests for use as summative assessments for the Fundamentals of Math course . Assessment questions align with educational objectives from the Fundamentals of Math student textbook.

    • Fundamentals of Math Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 3rd ed.


      The Fundamentals of Math teacher’s edition (2 volumes) equips educators with 7th grade math lesson plans and other resources to provide a successful learning environment for students. The teacher’s edition provides suggested teaching strategies, questions, and much more to encourage student engagement, retention, and development throughout the course. The TE Companion will be available to ship by August 2025.

    • Fundamentals of Math Activities Answer Key, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Activities Answer Key, 3rd ed.


      The activities answer key includes copies of all student activities from the Grade 7 Fundamentals of Math activities workbook with overprint answers.

    • Fundamentals of Math Assessments Answer Key, 3rd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Assessments Answer Key, 3rd ed.


      The Fundamentals of Math answer key provides overprint answers and step-by-step solutions to the math problems from student quizzes, tests, and exams Assessments align with educational objectives from the Fundamentals of Math student edition. These Grade 7 Fundamentals of Math answer keys correspond with the Fundamentals of Math assessments.

    • Fundamentals of Math Online with Books, 2nd ed.

      Fundamentals of Math Online with Books, 2nd ed.


      Fundamentals of Math (2nd edition) focuses on problem solving and real-life uses of math with special features in each chapter while reinforcing computational skills and building a solid math foundation. Dominion through Math problems regularly illustrate how mathematics can be used to manage God’s creation to His glory.