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256 products

Results for Math

    • Math 2 Test Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Math 2 Test Answer Key, 4th ed.


      Math 2 Test Answer Key (4th ed.) contains a copy of each Math 2 Test with overprinted answers.

    • Math 2 Teacher's Visual Packet, 4th ed.

      Math 2 Teacher's Visual Packet, 4th ed.


      Math 2 (4th ed.) Teacher’s Visual Packet includes 12 ½” x 17 ¾” charts that aid learning. Also included are enlarged copies of the students manipulatives, allowing the teacher to model activities for and with the students.

    • Math 2 Online with Books, 3rd ed

      Math 2 Online with Books, 3rd ed


      In Math 2, Mrs. Walker keeps tabs on Carpenter Matt O’Malley and his pet beaver, Paddy, as they travel the world, working on special building projects and teaching mathematical concepts.

    • Math 2 Online Only, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Online Only, 3rd ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 2 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 2 DVD with Books, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 DVD with Books, 3rd ed.


      In Math 2, Mrs. Walker keeps tabs on Carpenter Matt O’Malley and his pet beaver, Paddy, as they travel the world, working on special building projects and teaching mathematical concepts.

    • Math 2 DVD Only, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 DVD Only, 3rd ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 2 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD-only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 2 Subject Textbook Kit

      Math 2 Subject Textbook Kit


      Math 2 develops understanding of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Manipulatives are used to help students visualize the math concepts they learn. Basic word problems are introduced to exercise students’ problem solving skills.

    • Math 2 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.


      The Math 2 Student Worktext provides two pages to practice the skills taught in the lesson and to give individual help where needed. While emphasizing the "Homes Around the World" theme introduced in the lessons, the book provides a variety of activities. A parent letter is included at the beginning of each chapter, and a Chapter Review and Cumulative Review are included at the end of each chapter. There is a Problem-Solving Challenge section after the last chapter.

    • Math 2 Reviews, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Reviews, 3rd ed.


      This book provides two pages of review for each lesson. The first page reviews concepts taught in the lesson for the day. The second page reviews concepts taught in previous lessons and provides facts practice. A Chapter Review and a Cumulative Review are included at the end of each chapter. The pages may be used any time after the lesson has been taught.

    • Math 2 Tests, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Tests, 3rd ed.


      Math 2 Tests, 3rd ed. provides a test for each of the nineteen chapters in Math 2. Each test is similar to the corresponding Chapter Review pages in the Worktext.

    • Math 2 Student Manipulatives Packet, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Student Manipulatives Packet, 3rd ed.


      The packet contains manipulatives to be used by the student in the lessons. There are workmats, beaver and construction worker counters, stick puppets, geometric shapes, a clock, rulers, and thermometers. The packet also contains Number Cards, items for a Fraction Kit, a Money Kit, and a Place Value Kit, as well as triangle flash cards for review of addition and subtraction facts. Most of the items are perforated for easy preparation.

    • Math 2 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.


      The 165 lessons include instructions for teaching with manipulatives to develop math understanding and problem solving skills. Each lesson includes Practice and Review activities with a spiraling review and colorful Student Worktext pages with answer overprint. Each chapter concludes with Chapter Review and Cumulative Review lessons.

    • Math 2 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.


      A copy of each test with an answer overprint.

    • Math 2 Teacher's Visual Packet, 3rd ed.

      Math 2 Teacher's Visual Packet, 3rd ed.


      The packet contains 28 colorful teaching charts to use with the lessons and display in the classroom. The charts include graphs, measurement, termperature, fractions, plane figures, perimeter and other important concepts. The packet also contains counters, money, stick puppets, Fraction Kit, Place Value Kit, Number Cards and Number Lines for teacher demonstration. These visuals are large duplicates of the items provided for each student in the Student Manipulatives Packet.

    • Math 3 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) teaches place value, multiplication, division, and fractions. Students will be challenged to think more deeply about their calculations and the implications of math on their worldview. Throughout the course, students will focus on four basic themes: math is a tool to help people work; math shows the world is designed; math helps people help people; and math has limits.

    • Math 3 Student Worktext, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Student Worktext, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Student Worktext is a consumable resource that solidifies knowledge by encouraging students to picture and explain answers with written responses. Students will develop a competency in working with place values, multiplication, division, and fractions. The adventures of Hailey and Horatio encourage learning and reinforce biblical worldview teaching, while Serve with Math pages create a touchpoint for math application.

    • Math 3 Student Reviews, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Student Reviews, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Reviews provide daily assessments for each lesson. The front page focuses on the current lesson while the back page presents a spiraling cumulative review. Exercises are helpful for additional assessment, review, introducing new strategies, and giving practice opportunities for struggling students.

    • Math 3 Tests, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Tests, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Tests Packet assesses mastery of concepts with a focus on computation, picturing, and reasoning.

    • Math 3 Student Manipulatives Packet, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Student Manipulatives Packet, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Student Manipulatives Packet contains manipulatives to be used by the student in the lessons. There are acorn counters, geometric shapes, clocks, rulers, and thermometers. The packet also contains Number Cards, Fraction Kit, Money Kit, and Place Value Kit and Mat. Most of the items are perforated for easy preparation.

    • Math 3 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Teacher’s Edition clearly lays out all processes and concepts. Activities focus on student modeling, especially with manipulatives. Instructions encourage students to explain and defend their solutions as much as possible. Biblical worldview sections further develop the four themes through characters and problem solving activities. Corresponds with Math 3 (4th Edition) Student Worktext.

    • Math 3 Reviews Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Reviews Answer Key, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Reviews provide daily assessments for each lesson. The front page focuses on the current lesson while the back page presents a spiraling cumulative review. Exercises are helpful for additional assessment, review, introducing new strategies, and giving practice opportunities for struggling students.

    • Math 3 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Tests Answer Key, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Tests Answer Key includes test versions with overprinted answers for convenient grading. Corresponds with Math 3 (4th Edition) Tests.

    • Math 3 Teacher's Visual Packet, 4th ed.

      Math 3 Teacher's Visual Packet, 4th ed.


      Math 3 (4th Edition) Teacher’s Visual Packet contains 42 colorful teaching charts to use with the lessons and display in the classroom. The charts include graphs, measurement, temperature, fractions, plane and solid figures, perimeter, and other important concepts. The packet also contains counters, money, Fraction Kit, Place Value Kit, Number Cards, and a Number Line for teacher demonstration.

    • Math 3 Online with Books, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 Online with Books, 3rd ed.


      Math 3 (3rd edition) presents an interactive inductive approach using manipulatives to review place value, multiplication, and division and to introduce common fractions, graphs, and other concepts. It also provides the student with a variety of activities in estimating and practical problem-solving as Hal and Horatio join Mrs. Overly to visit national parks.

    • Math 3 Online Only, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 Online Only, 3rd ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 3 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 3 DVD with Books, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 DVD with Books, 3rd ed.


      Math 3 (3rd edition) presents an interactive inductive approach using manipulatives to review place value, multiplication, and division and to introduce common fractions, graphs, and other concepts. It also provides the student with a variety of activities in estimating and practical problem-solving as Hal and Horatio join Mrs. Overly to visit national parks.

    • Math 3 DVD Only, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 DVD Only, 3rd ed.


      If you already have textbooks for Math 3 (3rd edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD-only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.

    • Math 3 Subject Textbook Kit, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 Subject Textbook Kit, 3rd ed.


      Math 3 (3rd ed.) provides practice and review of basic math and introduces the fundamental principles of fractions and geometry. The math educational materials seeks to develop problem solving skills through word problems. A Chapter Review and a Cumulative Review are included in each chapter to reinforce the covered math concepts.

    • Math 3 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 Student Worktext, 3rd ed.


      Math 3 Student Worktext teaches place value, multiplication, division and fractions by using manipulatives for an interactive approach to math. The educational materials for 3rd grade math develop computation and problem solving skills, reinforced by daily review sections.

    • Math 3 Reviews, 3rd ed.

      Math 3 Reviews, 3rd ed.


      This book provides two pages of review for each lesson. The first page reviews concepts taught in the lesson for the day. The second page reviews concepts taught in previous lessons and provides facts practice. A Chapter Review and a Cumulative Review are included at the end of each chapter. The pages may be used any time after the lesson has been taught.