256 products
Results for Math
Math 3 Tests, 3rd ed.
SKU231720$19.66Math 3 Tests (3rd ed.) provides a test for each of the nineteen chapters in Math 3. Each test is similar to the corresponding Chapter Review pages in the Worktext.
Math 3 Student Manipulatives Packet, 3rd ed.
SKU231688$23.89The packet contains manipulatives to be used by the student in the lessons. There are acorn counters, geometric shapes, clocks, rulers, and thermometers. The packet also contains Number Cards, Fraction Kit, Money Kit, and Place Value Kit and Mat, as well as multiplication facts study cards. Most of the items are perforated for easy preparation.
Math 3 Teacher's Edition, 3rd ed.
SKU250720$98.33The 165 lessons in Math 3 Teacher's Edition include bulleted instructions for teaching with manipulatives to develop math understanding and problem solving skills. Each lesson includes Practice and Review activities that provide a spiraling review. The teacher's Visual Packet is also included for use by homeschoolers.
Math 3 Reviews Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU507442$22.78Math 3 Reviews Answer Key (3rd ed.) provides overprinted answers for activity pages for convenient grading and evaluation.
Math 3 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU231746$14.17Math 3 Tests Answer Key (3rd ed.) includes test versions with overprinted answers for convenient grading. Corresponds with Math 3 Testpack (3rd ed.).
Math 3 Teacher's Visual Packet, 3rd ed.
SKU231712$93.33The packet contains 42 colorful teaching charts to use with the lessons and display in the classroom. The charts include graphs, measurement, temperature, fractions, plane and solid figures, perimeter, and other important concepts. The packet also contains counters, money, Fraction Kit, Place Value Kit, Number Cards, and a Number Line for teacher demonstration. The manipulatives are large duplicates of the items provided for each student in the Math 3 Student Manipulatives Packet.
Math 4 Online with Books, 4th ed.
SKU462473$359.00Math 4 uses a hands-on approach to help students learn more about multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, geometry, and prealgebra. Mrs. Brennan focuses on developing math skills so students can become good problem solvers.
Math 4 Online Only, 4th ed.
SKU446740$329.00If you already have textbooks for Math 4 (4th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.
Math 4 DVD with Books, 4th ed.
SKU447433$379.00Math 4 uses a hands-on approach to help students learn more about multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, geometry, and prealgebra. Mrs. Brennan focuses on developing math skills so students can become good problem solvers.
Math 4 DVD Only, 4th ed.
SKU447532$349.00If you already have textbooks for Math 4 (4th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD-only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.
Math 4 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.
SKU518209$175.15Math 4 provides an interactive approach to build your student’s understanding of multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, geometry, and pre-algebra. An ocean theme with Captain Bailey and his pet seagull Clipper enhances real-life math applications, problem-solving, and estimation.
Math 4 Worktext, 4th ed.
SKU515536$39.72The Worktext develops problem solving skills and teaches students to work out math problems accurately. Each math concept is demonstrated in clear examples before students attempt the exercise problems. Students will gain mastery of multiplication, division, fractions, and geometry.
Math 4 Student Activities, 4th ed.
SKU515585$15.00The Student Activities book provides assessments of daily lessons, spiral reviews of previous concepts, and a cumulative review for each chapter.
Math 4 Assessments, 4th ed.
SKU515569$19.66The Assessments include a test for each of the sixteen chapters. Each test is similar to the corresponding chapter review pages in the Worktext.
Math 4 Student Manipulatives Packet, 4th ed.
SKU515544$23.89This contains manipulatives for the student to use in the lessons. There are geometric shapes, rulers, a clock, a thermometer, number cards, fraction kit, money kit, place value kits and mats, measurement flashcards, and multiplication/division fact family study cards. All the items are perforated for easy preparation.
Math 4 Teacher Edition & TE Companion, 4th ed.
SKU556324$98.33The Teacher Edition uses manipulatives to build on the mathematical foundations of multiplication, division, and place value, and to develop the student's understanding of geometry, fractions, decimals, and measurements. Students read and interpret a variety of charts and graphs. The practical use of the problem-solving plan is emphasized as well as the memorization of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. It also includes guides for the STEAM activities. The TE Companion will be available to ship by August 2025.
Math 4 Student Activities Answer Key, 4th ed.
SKU515601$22.78The Student Activities Answer Key provides a copy of each review with an answer overprint.
Math 4 Assessments Answer Key, 4th ed.
SKU515619$14.17The Assessments Answer Key provides a copy of each chapter test with an answer overprint.
Math 4 Teacher's Visual Packet, 4th ed.
SKU515551$68.61Teacher's visuals include 45 charts for classroom display, including bills, a problem-solving plan, fraction charts and bars, geometry charts, measurements, and more. It also includes student manipulatives in a larger size. There are geometric shapes, rulers, a clock, a thermometer, number cards, fraction kit, money kit, place value kits and mats, measurement flashcards, and multiplication/division fact family study cards. All the items are perforated for easy preparation.
Math 4-6 Student Manipulative Packet, 3rd ed.
SKU269506$23.89The Math 4-6 Student Manipulative Packet contains manipulatives to be used by the student in the lessons. There are geometric shapes, rulers, a clock, a thermometer, number cards, fraction kit, money kit, place value kits and mats, measurement flashcards, and multiplication/division fact family study cards. All of the items are perforated for easy preparation.
Math 4 Reviews Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU507459$22.78Math 4 Reviews Answer Key (3rd ed.) provides overprinted answers for activity pages for convenient grading and evaluation.
Math 4 Tests Answer Key, 3rd ed.
SKU260125$14.17A copy of each chapter test with an answer overprint is provided.
Math 4-6 Teacher Manipulatives Packet, 3rd ed.
SKU269571$68.61The Math 4-6 Teacher Manipulatives Packet contains pocket charts, rulers, fraction kit, place value kits, number cards, number lines, measurement flashcards, and multiplication/division fact family flashcards for teacher demonstration. All of these visuals are perforated for easy preparation and are large versions of the items provided for the student in the Math 4-6 Student Manipulatives Packet.
Math 5 Online with Books, 4th ed.
SKU453597$359.00Math 5 will instruct your child regarding adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers and fractions. Your student will also learn geometric concepts including lines, angles, surface area, and volume. Each lesson will begin with a brief review before exploring and applying new concepts.
Math 5 Online Only, 4th ed.
SKU453605$329.00If you already have textbooks for Math 5 (4th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. Online-only courses give you access to the streaming-video part of our video courses without sending you additional textbooks.
Math 5 DVD with Books, 4th ed.
SKU453613$379.00Math 5 will instruct your child regarding adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers and fractions. Your student will also learn geometric concepts including lines, angles, surface area, and volume. Each lesson will begin with a brief review before exploring and applying new concepts.
Math 5 DVD Only, 4th ed.
SKU453621$349.00If you already have textbooks for Math 5 (4th edition) and would like to give your students access to an experienced teacher for a more independent learning approach, this option is for you. DVD-only courses give you DVD recordings of lessons without sending you additional textbooks.
Math 5 Subject Textbook Kit, 4th ed.
SKU528174$140.15Math 5 challenges students to apply their knowledge of operations of whole numbers to decimals and fractions. Students will continue to develop pre-algebra skills and deepen their understanding of geometry, measurement, and data. Activities will give them opportunities to practice and apply STEM skills.
Math 5 Worktext, 4th ed.
SKU518894$39.72The student worktext reinforces lesson content with a two-page spiral review format. Daily review opportunities encourage mastery while chapter opening articles and word problems emphasize biblical worldview shaping themes. The worktext also includes eight two-page STEM lessons with corresponding activities. The problem-solving handbook offers additional review for math foundations and a problem-solving plan.
Math 5 Activities, 4th ed.
SKU518902$15.00Additional activities include assessments for daily lesson content and spiral review of concepts from previous chapters. Answer keys are included in the Math 5 Teacher Edition, 4th ed..