Out of Darkness
Out of Darkness is historical fiction written by Alicia Petersen and set in Jerusalem in the first century. This Christian fiction book tells the story of a twelve-year-old Jewish boy, Elhanan, whose mother is dying. Elhanan wants to buy her a gift with money he has earned himself, thinking such a gift will raise her spirits and hasten her recovery.
Copyright Year
184 pp.
BJU Press/JourneyForth
Out of Darkness is historical fiction written by Alicia Petersen and set in Jerusalem in the first century. This Christian fiction book tells the story of a twelve-year-old Jewish boy, Elhanan, whose mother is dying. Elhanan wants to buy her a gift with money he has earned himself, thinking such a gift will raise her spirits and hasten her recovery. But when rumors of a powerful Healer reach his ears, he and his blind friend Amplias, decide to investigate and find out whether the man can give sight to Amplias. If so, then perhaps this Jesus of Nazareth can heal Elhanan’s mother as well.