FAQs - During Testing
Guessing is appropriate only if your child has sufficient knowledge to eliminate at least half of the answer choices. Random guessing lessens the clarity of the scores, making it difficult to distinguish between weak areas (many wrong answers) and areas not yet covered (questions left unanswered).
On the Stanford test, calculators are optional for Math Problem Solving, but they are not allowed for Math Procedures (through Grade 8). Calculators are allowed on all TASK (high school) levels. On The Iowa Tests, calculators may be used for math subtests only when permitted by the Directions for Administration.
See links to sample answer documents for the Stanford and ITBS®/ITED® achievement tests. The actual format may vary slightly for different test levels. The blue Checklist sent with the tests will also provide small images of these sample pages.
Children with diagnosed disabilities may qualify for certain accommodations during testing. Generally, the child's IEP will list the appropriate modifications. For further details, consult this info from the publisher or contact us.