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The Academy of Home Education
Homeschool students throwing caps at graduation

Cash for College

What is Cash for College?

Cash for College is a benefit for members of AHE whereby they can earn credit toward an education at Bob Jones University.

How does it work?

If you are a member of AHE you will receive $1 tuition credit for every $2 you spend on BJU Press materials, Distance Learning products, Testing & Evaluation services, JourneyForth products, JourneyForth Academic books, and ShowForth DVDs. Tuition credit may be applied to University courses.

How do I get credit?

Become a member of AHE. Purchase qualified items through BJU Press. (Qualified materials purchased from the Educators Marketplace in Greenville, South Carolina will also be counted toward Cash for College.)

How do I find out how much credit I have earned?

Your Cash for College balance appears on your “My Account” page.

Who may use the tuition credit?

The children of the purchaser may use this credit when they are enrolled in two regular semesters (fall and spring) at BJU.

May I count purchases made by extended family?

Credit will be tallied only according to the purchaser's name. (For example, only the purchases made in the name of John Q. Public and Mrs. John Q. Public will count toward the total credit for John Q. Public’s children.)

I have a Cash for College balance, but I am not an AHE member now. May I still use my balance toward BJU tuition?

Yes, you may use your balance for tuition credit whether or not you are currently a member of AHE.

My child is enrolled at BJU. How do I use my Cash for College credit?

Contact the Financial Services at BJU by email at [email protected]. You will need to provide your BJU Press account number, your student’s name and BJU ID number, and the amount of your Cash for College balance that you woul like to transfer.