AHE FAQs—General
What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a verification process that provides an extra level of validation showing academic institutions and potential employers that students have attained a level that meets or exceeds standards developed by experts in the field.
Each educational institution sets their own standards for enrollment. If you know what your student would like to do in the future, whether that means attending college, trade school, or pursuing a specific career, please reach out to the institution you are looking at for their future to verify their standards and what they require.
What is the cost for accreditation?
The application fee for AHE is $75 for grades 1-8 and $125 for grades 9–12. Once accepted, the yearly administrative fee is $399.
What are student requirements for accreditation?
Students must adhere to all standard requirements for enrollment (use all BJU Press materials for core course as well as the Bible curriculum). Additionally, students will take a yearly achievement test. Prior to entering high school all 8th graders will take a cognitive abilities test. Electives must be approved by a guidance counselor prior to the beginning of instruction. A minimum of 24 credits are required for graduation.
Can students take dual credit courses?
Yes. Pending approval from a guidance counselor, students can take dual credit courses through BJU Scope beginning the summer before their junior year.
Is accreditation available for international students?
Yes. We encourage families to check with their local government agencies to determine what educational criteria is needed.
How can you apply for accreditation?
Parents of students in grades 1–12 will need to submit an application with COPPA consent included.
As part of the application process, students will take an achievement test if they have not already taken one for the year. Students entering eighth grade or high school may also be required to take a cognitive abilities test if they have not already taken one.
Additional fees and transcripts are required for those applying after 9th grade.
Do students receive class ranking?
The Academy of Home Education does not rank its class members. A college probably will not actually need the class rank but will likely look most closely at the classes your child took in high school, his grades, and the SAT or ACT scores. We recommend that you contact the Office of Admissions at your college of interest and ask how homeschooling situations are handled.
Can your child graduate early from AHE?
Early graduation from high school through the AHE is only available if there are extenuating circumstances or if the student can demonstrate the appropriate abilities and achievement in standardized testing. We recommend pursuing accelerated learning at the college level rather than taking away from the valuable learning time at the high school level. The elementary and junior high years provide high school students the educational foundation to expand learning opportunities in preparation for college.
What do QGRF, GRF, TOF, CRF, and ERF mean?
QGRF—Quarterly Grade Reporting Form—used for reporting grades at the end of each quarter for Grades 1–8
GRF—Grade Reporting Form—used for reporting grades at the end of each semester for Grades 9–12
TOF—Testing Order Form—used to place orders for annual achievement tests. These orders are due in mid-February according to the calendar schedule.
CRF—Course Registration Form—used to set-up student's course schedule prior to the school year.
ERF—Elective Reporting Form—used for requesting approval for electives prior to the semester the course will be taken.
Does AHE have a summer school option?
Yes, we allow AHE students to take courses in the summer. As with 1st and 2nd semesters, 3rd semester (summer) credit is measured by hours of instruction. Please call the AHE office for more information.
Can your child receive high school credit for courses completed in 8th grade?
In some situations, high school level courses taken in 8th grade may qualify for high school credit. Please contact AHE staff for more information.
Still have questions about homeschooling with AHE? Visit our other FAQs.
If you’d like to speak to an AHE representative, please call 800-845-5731 or email [email protected].